Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Day 21

Somehow its easier to write things down. I feel slightly less weird because this isn't just for my own benefit, but also a bit strange for sharing it with strangers.

I've just experienced something horrific. I don't really want to talk to anyone about it so I'm hiding in my room, feeling disturbed. I went to the toilet and well, things wouldn't flush. I don't really think my deposits were to blame - in fairness the toilet water was high when I approached. Well, in the panic of the moment I did some pretty feverish flushing and swilled things around with the toilet brush. The water raised to worrying heights, showing me no sympathy. I then decided to go into my room in the hope that it would just fix itself. It didn't. I live with 6 friends and I really really just wanted to solve the problem without any of them needing to get up close and personal with my digestive system's handy work. To cut a long story short (most of which involved me pacing the bathroom and dashing around trying to find a miracle) I donned my marigolds (for the last time EVER, they need to be burnt) and scooped my poop. Yep. I caught I glimpse of myself in the mirror, holding the faeces. I stood there for a good 10 minutes (most likely actually 1 minute but it felt veeery long) frantically wishing the whole situation would just disappear. I then hopped, the most surreal guilty hop, to the toilet next door and successfully removed it from my life. However, the toilet is still blocked, I'm scarred for life, and I'm still going to have to come clean (mind the pun) to my housemates.

Most inappropriately this got me to thinking about my stools, and subsequently my eczema. I decided the poo was lighter than it should be (what I was measuring this against I'm not sure, we can just call it logic). I did a little google on stools, feeling completely odd but also relived to discover such sites do actually exist. Apparently it means I'm not absorbing nutrients! Which is unfair. I pay good money and attention to my nutrient intake and apparently my body can't be bothered to process it all. No wonder my skin is in such bad condition if it isn't getting the goodness I so lovingly feed it. So now what?

I took myself back to google to research methods on improving digestion. Some of the stuff I found I thought was a little , well, inane. Such as only eating cooked food so as not to cool down the stomach and extinguish the 'fire' of digestion. I think the woman was basing her logic on an old proverb.

New resolutions:

1. Chew my food more
2. Don't drink water with a meal
3. Don't eat late at night
4. Don't eat fruit straight after a meal

I still don't have any cider vinegar because the supermarket didn't have any.

Today was so sunny and spring-like and I didn't feel very itchy which was lovely :) I am taking an antihistamine daily I should add...


  1. Hey it's funny that that happened to you because the same thing happened to me yesterday! And it wasn't the toilet paper because I flushed first before putting any toilet paper in the toilet.

    Well this is what I did, and maybe it will work for you. Just fill a pitcher with hot water and pour it in the toilet. It's going to smell bad so crack open a window or something. Wait about 20 minutes, then try flushing again. It should go down.

    Also, for the apple cider vinegar, try getting it at That website has a lot of organic products. And, if it's your first time buying something from that website, you get 5 dollars off. Just let me know if you're interested, I'll give you the code.

  2. Amazing tip! Thank you, it worked great.

    I'm in the uk so I'm still tracking down an apple cider source - are you finding the stuff any good?

    I've been reading your blog, you sound soo atopic! :( have the doctors not given you anything for it? Is it just your skin that react?

  3. Glad it worked :)

    Yes the apple cider vinegar works great but temporarily. That's why it's recommended to drink that after every meal. Spraying it to my skin also helps with the itch. But again, it's all temporary.

    The dermatologists keep prescribing me steroid creams which I refuse to use because my skin is extremely thin from using them.

    And yes, it's my skin that reacts. It just gets real itchy from my scalp to the top of my feet.
